Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 7: Bugs, Canopies, Snakes, Fruit, oh my!

Well, the bugs didn’t stop last night. Around 8pm when the internet decided not to work any longer (very sketchy in this hotel), I suddenly realized that there were bugs all over the floor. I grabbed my flip flop and managed to murder multiple ants, a inch or so long cockroach, along with some of those strange jumping flea like things our neighbors had warned us about. Ewww! I like visiting the rain forest and all of its creatures, but please don’t come visit me!

We went on the sky trek today, where we got to go on a tour through the rain forest crossing hanging bridges, followed by ziplining. The guides were downright terrible – it was the first tour we had that our company, Desafio (whom we have had all good experiences with), had to outsource for.  However, despite learning nothing about nature, we did have a good time on the zip lines. The longest zip line was 800 meters, or about 2500 feet long. It was very fun! Plus, the rain forest canopy was amazing – and there was just enough of this misty fog to make it seem so heavenly! Absolutely beautiful to see first thing in the morning.

Later in the day we went to a Serpentarium, and got a tour of a zoo like snake house. It was actually pretty interesting to get to see a lot of the local poisonous and non poisonous snakes and reptiles they have – many are donated by locals that find them in their homes or properties.  At very least, we learned what to watch out for during our hike for tomorrow!

While we were there, they decided to feed a live rat to a non-poisonous, but very aggressive snake. It was called a black tailed something (slipping my mind). It was non a constrictor, and so instead it was the type to chase down its pray fairly aggressively (rather than lie in wait) and then bite it with its very sharp teeth and try to pin it to the ground. It turned into a very bloody affair, with the snake slamming its head against the glass of its enclosure and wounding the rat with many missed bites that only managed to tear flesh. It was pretty awful to watch. I used to own a snake, a ball python, and we fed it a mouse every week. However, that was much less of an ordeal, no blood, just a clean grab, squeeze for a bit, then gently swallow whole. This was a very aggressive bloody ordeal that I think I’d rather not ever watch again… It totally would not have been allowed for customers to watch in the US. There was a kid there, maybe 8 years old that got to watch. I can only imagine that he will never ask his parents to get a snake as a pet…

Later we walked around the town (more like hiked up and down hills) and just checked the city out. At dinner, mom and I split a hamburger (tired of chicken, rice, and beans that are the staple dishes here) that was actually pretty darn good. Very home made tasting and big, with lots of peppers and onions in the meat mix! Plus, we got a fruit plate on the side with yogurt and granola, and got to eat some more amazing Costa Rican fruit. I don’t think I will ever be able to eat fruit elsewhere again, as the flavor is just so great here! The platter consisted of fresh guava, star fruit, banana, pineapple, and apples. Mmmmmm fruit!  

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